53 days: 21 hours: 14 minutes and 2 seconds
July 9th Core Team and Launch Team meeting for July 17 & 18 planning (6:30 pm 8:30 pm) East Campus
July 10th & 11th - Saturday & Sunday - Mike's Pastor's Choice message - West Campus - attendance optional
July 17 & 18 - Saturday & Sunday - East Campus - Lexington Campus Team does all the services at the East Campus
Saturday July 17 at 6 pm and Sunday July 18th at 9:30 & 11 am
All Core Team both days we will have our Lexington praise team, Mike gives message, all ministries staffed by Lexington Core Team & Launch Team - Video promo - Campus wide special offering for Lexington Campus
July 18th Sunday - Core & Launch Team meeting at Y Go over the plan for launch sequence and the schedule
July 25th - Sunday - Lexington campus training at Y (10:30 am - 12:30 pm)
August 1st - Sunday - Lexington campus training at Y (10:30 am - 12:30 pm)
August 7th Saturday - door hangers; distribute invite cards Time (TBD)
August 8th Sunday - practice set up at Y (9 am -12 pm) Afterwards - launch party at Hilliard's house on the lake
August 14th Saturday - door hangers; distribute invite cards (TBD)
August 15th Sunday - 1st LIVE FULL PRACTICE core & launch team (7am -1 pm)
August 21st Saturday - door hangers, distribute invite cards, (TBD) & Community event in Lexington @ Grimes Park
August 22nd Sunday - 2nd LIVE FULL PRACTICE - 7 AM -1 PM - Invite Friends
August 27th Friday - 24 hr fast (optional) and prayer for Launch
August 28th Saturday - door hangers; distribute invite cards, (TBD)
Cook-out and prayer meeting at the Carol & Kevin Brady's house in Lexington
Sunday, August 29th - LAUNCH SERVICE!!!!!!
Again, if you want to be a part of the Core of Launch Team please contact me. I want to thank all of you for supporting us and praying for the launch and the campus.
By the way, it's now 53 days: 20 hours: 55 minutes and 22 seconds 'till Launch!!!
In Christ,

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