Tuesday, July 20, 2010

This service brought to you by....

...the Core and Launch Team from the Lexington Campus. We decided to let these teams serve and fill every volunteer ministry this past weekend at East as our Lexington team heads into the final stages of our preparation for our August 29th launch of HRCC's 5th campus.
It takes a minimum of 38 volunteers to be adequately staffed for each of our services at East. We had some of the team pulling double duty serving as greeters and ushers and a couple of other double service volunteers. It was a great experience and everyone did an excellent job. Thank you teams! It was awesome to see the Lexington campus praise band for their first public services after several weeks of practice after the band was created. I heard great reviews!
It's only 6 weeks to launch and the next weeks will be busy finishing up training, purchasing of equipment, practice set ups and a couple of practice services in addition to our promotion and marketing to get the word out about the launch. We've learned from our experiences with the other 4 campuses as we launched so we pretty much have our time table and planning sequence "down" based on these experiences.
We still can use anyone who wants to help for a short while or longer term as a core or launch team member. Just contact me and we can discuss.
Several things you can do to help. Pray...pray every day leading up to the launch that God will bless our efforts and that we are honoring God in all our preparations. You can support financially. The Gospel is free but ministry isn't...particularly a multi-site strategy which is one church in multiple locations. If you wish to give, please designate your gift for the Lexington campus. You can support us by giving your gift at any campus or you can support us with an on-line gift. You can serve... as I mentioned above, we can always use more volunteers to help us get launched and up and going.
Thanks so much for your prayers.
In Christ,
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

53 days: 21 hours: 14 minutes and 2 seconds

This is how long it is until the launch service of the HRCC Lexington Campus (or at least it was when I typed the title in). I have been so excited anticipating what God is doing as we continue to ramp up for the launch on August 29 at 10:30 am. Directions on website at highrockcommunitychurch.com. Click on Lexington campus.
At present we have 24 adults committed as Core Team members and almost as many committed to be a part of the Launch Team that will help us and support us for 60 days or so after we launch. We still need more members for both teams if you're interested.
Some have asked what our planning schedule looks like. We've been meeting monthly since January and several times a month in April though June. If you are interested in the planning calendar, here it is from today on:

July 9th – Core Team and Launch Team meeting for July 17 & 18 planning (6:30 pm – 8:30 pm) East Campus

July 10th & 11th - Saturday & Sunday - Mike's Pastor's Choice message - West Campus - attendance optional

July 17 & 18 - Saturday & Sunday - East Campus - Lexington Campus Team does all the services at the East Campus

Saturday July 17 at 6 pm and Sunday July 18th at 9:30 & 11 am

All Core Team both days – we will have our Lexington praise team, Mike gives message, all ministries staffed by Lexington Core Team & Launch Team - Video promo - Campus wide special offering for Lexington Campus

July 18th – Sunday - Core & Launch Team meeting at Y – Go over the plan for launch sequence and the schedule

July 25th - Sunday - Lexington campus training at Y (10:30 am - 12:30 pm)


August 1st - Sunday - Lexington campus training at Y (10:30 am - 12:30 pm)

August 7th – Saturday - door hangers; distribute invite cards Time (TBD)

August 8th – Sunday - practice set up at Y (9 am -12 pm) – Afterwards - launch party at Hilliard's house on the lake

August 14th – Saturday - door hangers; distribute invite cards (TBD)

August 15th – Sunday - 1st LIVE FULL PRACTICE – core & launch team (7am -1 pm)


August 21st – Saturday - door hangers, distribute invite cards, (TBD) & Community event in Lexington @ Grimes Park


August 22nd – Sunday - 2nd LIVE FULL PRACTICE - 7 AM -1 PM - Invite Friends

August 27th – Friday - 24 hr fast (optional) and prayer for Launch

August 28th – Saturday - door hangers; distribute invite cards, (TBD)

Cook-out and prayer meeting at the Carol & Kevin Brady's house in Lexington

Sunday, August 29th - LAUNCH SERVICE!!!!!!


Again, if you want to be a part of the Core of Launch Team please contact me. I want to thank all of you for supporting us and praying for the launch and the campus.

By the way, it's now 53 days: 20 hours: 55 minutes and 22 seconds 'till Launch!!!


In Christ,

