Chasing Lions
This weekend’s message was about courage and overcoming fears. We shared the account of one of the Old Testament’s most courageous heroes, Benaiah. You can read about him in 2 Samuel 23:20-23. One of the most courageous things he did was to chase a lion into a pit on a snowy day.
We discussed how we have fears in our lives that are “lions” we shouldn’t run from but chase. If we’re to overcome our fears we have face them and step out in faith that our God is bigger than any lion (fear) you may be facing. Chasing and overcoming our fears involves risk. Most of us want absolute certainty before we step out in faith. But the problem with this is that it takes faith out of the equation. There is no such thing as a risk free faith.
I highly recommend a book written by Mark Batterson about Benaiah called In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day. I love what Batterson said in his book:
“Obedience is a willingness to do whatever, whenever, wherever God calls us. And it looks different for each of us. It doesn’t always necessitate going halfway around the world. Often the most courageous actions only require us going across the room or across the street.”
In my message this weekend I challenged the Lexington campus to do just that. We don’t have to chase our biggest fears first. Let’s chase a “baby lion”, a smaller fear and experience that we can actually do it! Then let’s start looking for a bigger lions to chase.
Happy Hunting!
It was an amazing feeling walking out on the stage that first Sunday after the praise band led us in our first worship song set and seeing all those God sent to hear His Word and hear the Gospel. If you are reading this an attended one of these services...thank you so much. We were so glad to see you and hope you'll visit again and if you're searching for a church home and family that you will consider HRCC Lexington.
We have had the Lexington campus in planning for almost two years. It has taken a lot of people, planning and prayer for us to get to this day, our 5th HRCC campus. I want to personally thank everyone who has been and will be a part of all the "labor of love" that has gone into our campus. God is up to something BIG in Davidson County and has BIG plans for us to reach the people in the area to see people's lives changed by experiencing Jesus in a personal way.
If you want to know more about High Rock Community Church please visit our website. Or contact me with any questions. We would love to see you some Sunday!
Come see for yourself why High Rock Rocks!
In Christ,