Rewards in Heaven
2 Corinthians 5:10 (NIV) "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad."
In my sermon I delivered this past weekend at the HRCC East campus, I mentioned that the Bible mentions at least 5 rewards or "crowns" we may receive in Heaven at the Judgment Seat of Christ.
Good works will not get us into heaven, as the Bible specifically tells us that we can only be saved by grace through our faith in Jesus Christ. But being willing to do good works for the Lord will bring us certain types of rewards as you will see in the Scripture verses I will list in this blog.
The Bible specifically talks about 5 different crowns that will be given to some of God's people when they enter into heaven. If you look closely at what these crowns are going to be for - they will be for work that is done for God that is beyond the normal scope of what the average Christian may attempt to do. This is for work that goes far, above and beyond what the average Christian may actually strive for.
The Crown of Righteousness - 2 Timothy 4:1-8
This crown will be given to those who have lived a good and righteous for God while living down here on this earth.
. The Bible says that all men have sinned and have fallen way short of the glory of our God. But what God does want from each one of us is at least some kind of concerted effort to try and live our lives "right." We all know right from wrong. God just wants each one of us to choose to do the right thing when faced with certain temptations or choices to do something bad.
The Incorruptible Crown (the victor's crown" 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
The apostle Paul describes in this scripture that those who run in any kind of a race, all run with the goal of obtaining some kind of prize. He then goes on to state that those who run a race in order to win the prize are temperate in all things. In other words, there is a lot they have to give up in order to be in proper condition to run that race.
God calls some people to do things that will require some sacrifice and temperance in the way they will live and conduct their lives. Some people may be called to be a Bible teacher in a far off and poor country. They will literally be working for pennies. They will have to sacrifice the bigger money they could have made had they stayed home in America and taught in the states.
I believe God is telling us in this passage that if He does put this kind of special call on your life that will require you to give up many of the normal things of this life - that you will be greatly rewarded for this sacrifice once you enter into heaven. This verse also seems to be implying that these people will also receive this victor's crown for the sacrifices they were willing to make for God in order to successfully complete the call and mission God had called them to do.
The Crown of Life "the martyr's crown" James 1:2-12 and Revelation 2:10
This next crown has been called by many the "martyr's crown." Jesus Himself says that He will give this crown to those who undergo severe hardship, testing, tribulation and/or physical death on His behalf.
I do not think there is any question that being willing to die for your faith in God and Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice! It is the greatest act of bravery and courage that you can show God the Father. And I believe that all of the Christians who have been martyred for their faith in God and Jesus throughout history will not only be given this crown of life, but will also be given some real special rewards once they enter into heaven.
The Crown of Rejoicing (the soul winner's crown" 1 Thessalonians 2:10-19
This next crown has been called the "soul winner's crown." The apostle Paul is calling those that he has saved his "joy" and his "crown of rejoicing." The word "crown" seems to be implying that God will be giving a crown to those who have been instrumental in getting other people saved and led to Him through the blood of His Son.
The Bible does not say how many people you actually have to be instrumental in getting saved in order to be able to receive this crown. My guess is that it will be relative. God will simply be judging you by your willingness and desire to be used by Him to witness to others.
The Crown of Glory (the shepherd's crown" 1 Peter 5:1-4
God will be giving His teachers and shepherds this crown due to the extreme importance of bringing up others into the knowledge and ways of God. Once you get saved, this is just the beginning. God wants you to grow in His knowledge and grace by reading the Bible and learning as much as you can about Him, His Son and His Holy Spirit. The problem is that the Bible is hard and dry for many people when they first try and read it on their own. They do not understand half of what they are reading. This is why teachers and shepherds are needed.
God is always looking for teachers and shepherds to help teach and educate His flock. However, you have to spend some serious quality time in the Bible and have a good understanding of the basics before He can really use you to teach and educate others.
For those of you who have been in the Word for quite some time and have a real good understanding and grasp of all the basics - I really believe that God can use you to help teach and shepherd others. It doesn't mean you have to sign up to teach a Sunday school or be promoted to the office of a teacher.
I hope this summary helps in your understanding of the types of rewards we have awaiting us in Heaven based on our service and good works for The Kingdom while on earth serving Jesus.
References; Charting the End Times, Tim LaHaye & Thomas Ice;